The 2024 update of the ICdA Guidance “Management of the Risks Related to Chronic Occupational Exposure to Cadmium and its Compounds” is now available.

First published in 1996 after expert collaboration between Eurometaux and ICdA, it has since been revised and improved in the intervening period into this 5th version.  Members have been attentively implementing this Guidance throughout this period with many of the risk management improvements resulting from the regular ICdA Health and Safety Committee meetings in which Members share and discuss their best practice developments.

ICdA position on the inclusion of cadmium biomonitoring at the workplace, and on the RAC recommendation for an OEL and BLV.

In its RAC recommendations for OEL and BLV values, RAC did not respond to the Commission request. Indeed, in its latest opinion, the RAC recommended the setting of a BLV without reassessing the OEL originally set at 0.001 mg/m3 (inhalable fraction), a value which was derived precisely under the assumption that no biomonitoring was conducted at the workplace and no BLV was set.

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Cd and Cd compounds not on the draft 11th recommendation list for authorisation

We had informed you that the Draft 11th recommendation list of Substances Subject to Authorisation (Annex XIV) would be discussed in December 2021 at the Member State Committee (MSC-76), and based on ECHA’s priority scoring table, had carefully anticipated that cadmium (and Cd compounds) would not be on the 11th priority list.

ICdA submitted comments to the ECHA Call for Evidence: Occupational Exposure Limit for Cd and its Inorganic Compounds

In response to the Call for Evidence, the International Cadmium Association submitted recently updated and extensive information on uses and occupational exposure to cadmium and cadmium compounds collated from measured data by Industry over the last 10 years in the EU, as well as an update summary and conclusions on health effects, toxicology, epidemiology and modes of action from the scientific literature.

The input is structured in 3 parts:

Part 1. Uses and occupational exposure

Part 2. Health effects: Genotoxicity and modes of action

Part 3. Health effects: Repeated dose toxicity and Carcinogenicity

ICdA announces his revised guidance (2018) on Management of the Risks Related to Chronic Occupational Exposure to Cadmium and its Compounds

The purpose of this document is to supply guidance to occupational medical doctors and managment of plants in which cadmium and hazardous cadmium compounds are being processed, manufactured, transformed, incorporated into articles or recycled, with the purpose of bringing Cd exposure of employees down, resulting in an urinary cadmium level below 2µg Cd/g creatinine.